This Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing certification training course includes a detailed study of Paid Search Advertising, how to get free traffic from search engines, and achieving high rankings, tracking, optimizing, and remarketing. You will gain technical SEM/SEO skills and hands-on experience through real-time live projects to understand the strategies to increase search visibility and increase brand awareness. These techniques help you to upgrade the websites ranking among the top spots in results pages, quality traffic, credible source, user trust, more clicks on Google, Bing, Explorer, and other search engines with remarkable ability to fuel economic growth.
Through our large network with employers, we offer placement help to graduates.
TIC also has a progressive career management course, which is compulsory for all certificate and diploma students. We believe that offering training to students on how to prepare for career opportunities effectively helps them be psychologically prepared for their professions. The program also introduces the students to the approaches of efficient and effective job search. Under the program, we also teach how to write a resume. We also focus on soft skills so students can maintain a good working relationship with their employers.