Sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, and sexual exploitation are all considered forms of sexual violence. Sexual violence is defined as “any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, and is committed, threatened, or attempted against a person without the person’s consent.”
This policy applies to all visitors, workers, staff members, students, and contractors who provide services to Toronto Innovation College.
The Ontario Human Rights Commission also provides resources and information about sexual harassment.
This policy guarantees all students and employees of Toronto Innovation College a safe environment free from sexual violence and harassment and a place to study and work. Toronto Innovation College will suitably meet the needs of all students who have experienced sexual violence and harassment. This policy’s goal is to encourage all students to report any instances of sexual violence or harassment they may have encountered. Every reported instance of sexual violence will be looked into and dealt with right away.
Any Toronto Innovation college student who has been subject to sexual violence is asked to immediately report such an event to the Toronto Innovation College student security support program department at (905)-268-0958
It is strongly advised that any student who has seen or heard of sexual violence against another student or person at Toronto Innovation College report the incident right away by calling the student security assistance program department at (905)-268-0958.
If the institution is unable to launch an internal inquiry under this policy because of resource constraints, the complainant may also request that an allegation of sexual violence be forwarded to the police or other community resources. This is in the complainant’s best interest.
Support for victims of childhood sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and recent or prior sexual assault.
Students who have reported sexual violence will always have their privacy respected by Toronto Innovation College. Additionally, Toronto Innovation College will honor and support any witnesses, persons, and support organizations who help with education and training, as well as those who routinely handle complaints and reports about sexual violence. Toronto Innovation College will safeguard these people’s identities and provide name anonymity to prevent names from being made public.
Any complaint will be dropped if it turns out to be baseless, untrue, not made in good faith, or incorrect following an inquiry.
“It’s Never Okay: A Plan of Action to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Violence”
Contact the police at 911 if you have been the victim of sexual assault.
You can talk to someone directly by giving the college’s student security assistance program staff a call at (905)-268-0958.
Any student who experiences sexual violence or harassment has the right to report it. This individual will be treated with respect, dignity, and nondiscrimination. They will also receive all the help and collaboration they need to take action against the offenders.
Any staff members, employees, students, and teachers who witness sexual violence must report the incident to the Toronto Innovation College student security assistance program department at (905)-268-0958.
When a criminal investigation is underway, Toronto Innovation College will work with the police and local authorities.
The student who has been the victim of such an act of violence will continue to receive accommodations from the program in which they are enrolled and will not face discrimination.
Support groups and further resources
It’s raining.
If you need immediate support, you can reach your local RAINN affiliate at any time, 24/7, by calling the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673).
I am a survivor and I need help
When a sexual violence allegation is brought to the attention of the College, the College will take great care to safeguard and uphold the rights of both the victim and the perpetrator.
Both the respondent and the student who was the victim of sexual violence will speak with the Toronto Innovation College authorities.
If the institution is unable to launch an internal inquiry under this policy because of resource limitations, the complainant may also request that an allegation of sexual violence be forwarded to the police or other community resources, which is in the complainant’s best interest.
There are several support tools and helplines accessible to women who are experiencing a crisis.
There are support services and a helpline available to male survivors of sexual abuse.
The Ontario Human Rights Commission also offers information and resources related to sexual harassment.
If you feel suicidal
408 Help Line – 24/7 Distress and Crisis Line
Call a distress line: 416.408.4357 (HELP)