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    What is Second Career?

    Second Career is a provincial government program committed to helping Ontario residents who have been laid-off. This government program is a grant that assists laid-off workers to gain skills training for getting jobs.

    Toronto Innovation College offers a range of certificate and diploma programs to choose from to meet your career goals.

    What can you expect if you qualify for Second Career

    You can acquire new skills as per the current job market demand and apply for financial support when you qualify for Second Career.

    If you qualify then you can receive financial help for costs including:

    • Tuition
    • Books
    • Manuals, workbooks or other instructional costs
    • Transportation
    • Basic living allowance
    • Child care

    Qualifying for Second Career

    You qualify for Second Career when:
    • You have been laid off and are not working
    • You have been laid off and are working in a temporary job which just covers your basic costs

    You can apply if you’re currently receiving Employment Insurance (EI) or have availed of it in the past.

    Apply for Second Career

    To apply for second career you have to follow the following steps:
    1. Check your eligibility for Second Career. To check your eligibility for Second Career, please call Employment Ontario at 1-800-387-5656. For more information, please visit Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Second Career.
    1. Take an appointment with an employment councilor at an Ontario Employment Assessment Center to discuss a suitable program.
    1. Choose your program from the programs being offered at TIC. Approval for the programs is subject to approval from the Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities (MTCU).
    1. If your second career application is approved you can start your program.
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    Career Counselor Desk

    TIC providers career counseling services where participants can discuss their education and experience to select the program aligned to their career goals. Our expert counselors provide detailed information about the programs, guide students in choosing the suitable area of study that student would like to pursue as per their background or ambition, and give information on the job opportunities in your field of study. The counselors will assist in making the choices that are best for students. The counselors will also provide assistance and guidance throughout the application process to start your program.